#include "libut/ut.h" int UT_iob_bufcmp(UT_iob *iob, char *buffer, size_t len);
This function compares the first len bytes of the given iob to the first len bytes of the given buffer and returns 0 if they are identical. Otherwise it returns a negative number.
A return value of 0 means the buffer is identical to the iob up to len bytes. If the iob and the buffer differ in the first len bytes, -1 is returned. If the iob has fewer than len bytes, -2 is returned.
UT_iob_create(3), UT_iob_printf(3), UT_iob_append(3),
UT_iob_free(3), UT_iob_writefd(3), UT_iob_flatten(3),
Troy D. Hanson <thanson@users.sourceforge.net>